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A Culinary Journey Through Austria: A Tourist's Guide to Austrian Cuisine

austria foodAustria, a country renowned for its rich cultural heritage, is also a paradise for food lovers. Austrian cuisine, influenced by its history and neighboring countries, offers a delightful array of flavors and dishes. This guide is designed to take tourists on a culinary journey through Austria, exploring its traditional foods and where to find them.

The Staples: Wiener Schnitzel and Sacher-Torte

No visit to Austria is complete without trying the iconic Wiener Schnitzel. This breaded and fried veal cutlet is a national favorite. For dessert, the Sacher-Torte, a dense chocolate cake with apricot jam, is a must-try. Originating from Vienna, this dessert is a sweet symbol of Austrian culinary pride.

Hearty Soups and Stews

Austrian cuisine features a variety of soups and stews, perfect for the country's alpine climate. Gulasch, a rich stew originally from Hungary, is popular, as is Rindsuppe (beef soup) with semolina dumplings. These dishes are commonly found in traditional Gasthäuser (taverns) across the country.

Comfort Food: Knödel and Strudel

Knödel (dumplings) come in many forms in Austria, from savory meat or cheese-filled to sweet plum or apricot versions. Another classic is the Strudel, particularly the Apfelstrudel (apple strudel), which is a delightful combination of tart apples, spices, and flaky pastry.

Cheeses and Sausages

Austria boasts a variety of cheeses, with regions like Vorarlberg and Tirol known for their dairy products. Sausages are also a staple, with varieties like Bratwurst and Käsekrainer being popular street food, often enjoyed with a side of mustard and a crusty roll.

Coffeehouse Culture: More Than Just Coffee

Austrian coffeehouses (Konditorei) are institutions, offering a wide array of coffees like Melange (Austrian cappuccino) and Einspänner (double espresso with whipped cream). These cafes also serve pastries and cakes, making them ideal spots for a leisurely break.

Local Beverages: Wines and Schnapps

Austria produces excellent wines, particularly white wines like Grüner Veltliner and Riesling. The country is also known for its Schnapps, a fruit brandy, with flavors ranging from apricot to pear.


Austrian cuisine is a delightful mix of flavors and traditions, reflecting the country's history and cultural influences. From hearty meals to exquisite pastries, the food in Austria is sure to leave a lasting impression on any tourist's palate.